Free, Downloadable, CDISC CORE Based, FDA/PMDA Validator
Our standalone desktop application ensures that your clinical data is validated securely on your device.
Leverage innovative features to expedite your validation process.
A 21 CFR part 11 compliant validation package will be publicly available.
Add your own custom rules using CDISC CORE syntax.
That clinical data conformance shouldn’t come with a price tag. Moreover, we firmly advocate for creating an environment where such conformity is anchored upon open-source infrastructure so companies can choose the best technology that fits their needs.
A completely free, downable desktop validation tool based on CDISC CORE, providing ample of new exciting capabilities transforming the validation experience
“Bioforum will leverage the core rules certification program when it becomes available to certify the product.”
We're here to answer any question and look forward to hearing from you.